I Think Jesus is in Love With Me!!!

August 5, 2022

Yes, Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so!

I do believe He’s in love with me…and…He’s in love with you all, too! And I’m not even jealous!!!

Did you know that Jesus walks around in my field with me here?

He does!!!

We walk and talk as good friends should and do!

We hold hands and laugh together – it’s so loud it scares my chickens!

Jesus and I walk through lots of colors!

He tells me of the years that went before me –

When the Father planned for me – and all of usto be!!!

When all was but a dream of dim conception,

We came to life to see all this glory around us!

Oh the conversation we had today!

Jesus said, “Hey you! – has anyone ever called you bad names?”

I said, “All the time!”

“Oh Yeah, RIGHT.”

“Ha ha ha!” We laughed together!

*giggle giggle*

I said, “Wanna see my Lambs?”

He said, “You bet!”

He said, “Did you make that coop? Who taught you carpentry?!”

“Maybe my Daddy???? (I say with uptalk voice!) I just watched????”

“Next time you might want to use a level,” He says!

“So that’s all that’s wrong with the Hen House – it’s crooked???” I shout!

“You draw good. U r so creative!” He says!

“You mean, I draw ‘well.'” I correct Him!!! 😀

Jesus raises His eyebrow at me…I give Him a faked dirty look!

We laugh together!!!

“Oh you are just TOO MUCH, kiddo!” He rolls His eyes at me!!!

Me: “I’m bored. Now what?!”

My God and I

Music & Lyrics: Austris A. Wihtol, 1932

My God and I go in the fields together,

We walk and talk as good friends should and do;

We clasp our hands, our voices ring with laughter,

My God and I walk through the meadow’s hue.

He tells me of the years that went before me,

When heavenly plans were made for me to be;

When all was but a dream of dim conception,

To come to life, earth’s verdant glory see.

My God and I will go for aye together,

We’ll walk and talk as good friends should and do;

This earth will pass, and with it common trifles,

But God and I will go unendingly.

Thank You For Reading
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    1. I love this post! I always apologize to Jesus when I set off on a trip because He rides with me in the passenger seat on my long drives and it’s always full of stuff. I don’t travel light. lol

    1. Eileen,
      Wow, some interesting comments.
      I found this definition of a blog (which didn’t surprise me as many blogs are narrations of the journey of life)
      What is the simple definition of blog?
      A blog (short for weblog) is a personal online journal that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption.

      Personally, I find your writing to be authentic and I admire the vulnerability with which you share. Other people are woven into the tapestry of our lives, some have larger areas in our tapestry but many lives are connected. If I ever find your writing to be a weight or derisive in any way, I will simply stop reading.

      You are entitled to your opinions (even of me lol) and I would expect you to express your opinions about any subject matter as this is YOUR blog.


      1. Thank you, Becky, for your thoughts. Interestingly I recently read a post by another blogger I follow who mentioned the definition of “blog” in pretty much the same way. I believe that blogging serves a number of purposes – it is an outlet for release of our personal expressions and the working out loud of many things, in articulation and writing. While years ago people may have kept private diaries, or done the same types of writings I do here and had them published, the internet now permits selected sharing in a broader way of some parts of ourselves. Thank you for acknowledging the vulnerabilities and authenticities of my writings, and more. I typically do most things to serve multiple purposes. My WordPress admin panel allows me to see hits on different pages/geolocations/search terms and more. When I see hits from others in places unlikely to simply be a friend (example, European countries or states/areas I don’t know someone) it encourages me. If I choose to, I can explore the tags and search terms or what brought them to read that page. All of my expressions are tagged with words/terms so that anyone struggling with some of the same things I am working through, or anyone wishing to read thoughts about broader topics – War, the book of Job, song lyrics, pandemic opinions, etc – has a chance to find my own small opinions and expressions.

        I often search terms and find other blogs and read the thoughts of strangers.

        In a sense, a blog also documents our responses to various things in real time. A legacy, of sorts. For example, perhaps in twenty years my grandbabies will be curious about me, who knows. Whether I am still alive or not, I can (and am actively planning to) make legal arrangements that my writings remain. So that they may know in real time my thoughts on the day of their birth.

        I do appreciate you, friend, in both our private and public relationship and our ongoing deep conversations about things that matter most in life, and especially, our shared faith in Jesus.


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