Audrey Hepburn remains an iconic figure whose image has been engraved in the minds of both earlier and later generations as exemplifying womanly beauty, stage presence, talent, style and an adorable mix of sweetness–with a pinch of edgy sass. One cannot look at her delicate frame, her sweet-demure gaze, her perfectly styled hair and edgy feminine attire (including her iconic white gloves) nor watch her dance without feeling some type of magnetism.
She could easily be the subject of many types of conversations.
As a woman, I am drawn to her flawless, natural beauty. Though I’m no expert on her old films, I can certainly say she’s burned herself into my mind’s retina. In fact, as I stare at one of her images, something about her soft, intense, enigmatic gaze even brings to mind old photos of my own mother from the 1940’s.
Her slender form and her innocent eyes have captivated many.
She is timeless.

Born in 1929 in Belgium, her early childhood is described as “sheltered and privileged.” Between 1939 and 1945 she and her family suffered in various ways due to the War. After the Germans invaded The Netherlands in 1940, her family was “profoundly affected.” By the Dutch Famine of 1945, they and others were making flour from tulip bulbs, and Audrey suffered the effects of malnutrition and other illnesses after the end of the War.1
Contrary to rumors, she did not have an eating disorder and her thin frame was somehow related to the aftermath of nutritional deprivation during those years she was developing into a young woman.
Between 1945 and 1952, Audrey studied ballet under a leading figure in the Dutch ballet, and another Russian teacher. In 1953 she had her first starring role in the film Roman Holiday. Her most active film career continued until around 1968; between 1968-1993 she devoted more time to family and was in “semi-retirement.” Between around 1988 until her death in 1993, Audrey devoted herself to various humanitarian work and displayed a love and concern for children, especially.1
“The Secret People.”

The story of Peer Gynt begins with bridal abduction.
The trope of bridal abduction (or the abduction of a woman/hostage-taking by a man) has played out in various versions in both true narratives and creative works in the history of humankind. The following are a few that come to mind; I’m not sure that they have any connection per se to the main points of this piece, but I thought to include them for the conceptual trivia-seekers (and I would love for readers to add to this list in the comment section):
- The Abduction of Dinah (Genesis 34 tells of the abduction/rape of Dinah, daughter of Jacob, and has been the subject of classical art such as on this link.)
- The Abduction of the Sabine Women (“According to Roman mythology, the neighboring Sabines were invited to a festival with the intention of forcibly retaining their young women as wives. When the Roman leader Romulus raised his cloak, his warriors seized the women.”2 This also has been the subject of classical art.)
- Seven Brides For Seven Brothers (This sweet, old romantic-musical-comedy film has a scene where the seven brothers are singing/musing about the “Sobbin’ “ women as they contemplate abducting themselves seven sisters to be their brides!)
- The Graduate (I don’t think it is a stretch to say that the famous ending scene in this 1967 classic film constitutes some form of bridal abduction!)
- Beauty and the Beast (I include this tale–and there are several versions–because it does involve a woman being held captive as part of the romance trope but there is not a direct abduction/kidnapping of Belle in the movie versions. For an interesting “Messed Up Origins” of this tale, see end references.)3
- The Princess Bride (“Before the wedding, she is kidnapped by three outlaws; a small Sicilian man named Vizzini, a giant from Greenland named Fezzik, and a Spanish fencing master named Inigo Montoya, who seeks revenge against a six-fingered man who murdered his father. A masked man in black pursues them, as does Prince Humperdinck and his soldiers.” — Wikipedia)
Before I started writing this piece, I barely knew of the ballet and orchesteral expression (music composed by Edvard Grieg) of Isban’s story of Peer Gynt. The later story is based on a Norwegian fairy tale figure named Per Gynt. Awhile back (and I will eventually get to this), I was watching/following a story in current events and took note of the usage of ballet and music, and for some reason I found myself thinking, “What is that music? It sounds familiar. Is it from Swan Lake or…or…somehow the phrase ‘Peer Gynt’ (I actually at first thought ‘Peter Gynt’) came into my mind, and I began my research.”
Given the audio-visual content of the current events story I was following, I felt there must be some significance in this musical choice, among other choices, and I became fascinated to find out just why.
For those who want to refresh on the plot (and variations) on the tale of Peer Gynt, there are some interesting videos below (I always enjoy audio-visual learning) and as always, there is Wikipedia.
According to one Washington Post article, “First published as a dramatic poem in 1867, “Peer Gynt” wasn’t staged until nine years after it was written, and still isn’t widely performed. It’s not difficult to see why. Most critics have decided Peer’s story is a morality tale in which he learns a lesson about how bad it is to be selfish.”
The article goes on to say, “Peer has not been a good boy. Actually, he’s a jerk. He deserts his impoverished mother, leaving her to pay the fine he’s incurred for his bride-theft.”
Commentaries seem to agree that Peer Gynt is not a good guy but a morally debased anti-hero who begins the tale with bridal abduction and goes on to a number of self-seeking, irresponsible and grandiose pleasure-seeking “adventures.”
Another critique states that, “Thus, we may be able to say that Peer Gynt is a symbolic image of desire while the mirror is nature and a substance that reflects the truth. Although Peer Gynt takes pride in being a “man of the world,” he comes only to the surety that he is nothing but an alienated individual.”
The same piece goes on to say (of a particular performance of this classic work), “Peer Gynt travels all over the world throughout his life, wanting to live “as he is” and claiming to be “his Gyntian self.” The audience, however, through the whole performance, realizes that this life is nothing but a ghostly seduction that enlarges his arrogance and laziness. His Gyntian self is a combination of “hope and desire” and a round dance of “demand and daydreams.” Becoming himself is nothing other than “killing himself” and only by erasing his natural personality can he give birth to and complete his real self. Only by giving up his indolence, falsity, arrogance and escapism, can he reflect on himself, know himself and deserve salvation. Peer Gynt, the daydreamer, turns into “his Gyntian self” in the true sense.”4

“Peter Pan is a fictional character created by Scottish novelist and playwright J. M. Barrie. A free-spirited and mischievous young boy who can fly and never grows up, Peter Pan spends his never-ending childhood having adventures on the mythical island of Neverland as the leader of the Lost Boys, interacting with fairies, pirates, mermaids, Native Americans, and occasionally ordinary children from the world outside Neverland...Peter Pan has become a cultural icon symbolizing youthful innocence and escapism.” (Wikipedia)

Dylan Mulvaney was born on born December 29, 1996 and the following is a beginning glimpse of this man and his background:
2015–2020: Early acting roles (adapted from Wikipedia)5
- Played Elder White in the musical The Book of Mormon
- How The Grinch Stole Christmas! at the Old Globe Theatre
- The Play at the Birch North Park Theatre
- Next to Normal at Arts Off Broadway
- Legally Blonde; Spring Awakening; Bye Bye Birdie; and High School Musical at ACT San Diego
We should add to his repertoire an appearance two years ago on The Price is Right game show. (Next video.)
2021–present: Transition and activism (adapted from Wikipedia)6
- Mulvaney came out as a “trans woman” during the Covid-19 Pandemic COVID-19 while living with his “very conservative family” at his childhood home in San Diego
- Starting in March 2022, he documented his “gender transition” in a daily series of videos published on TikTok titled “Days of Girlhood.”
- He said in an interview: “When the pandemic hit, I was doing the Broadway musical Book of Mormon. I found myself jobless and without the creative means to do what I loved. I downloaded TikTok, assuming it was a kids’ app. Once I came out as a woman, I made this “day one of being a girl” comedic video. And it blew up. I really don’t know another place online like TikTok that can make a creator grow at the rate that it does. Some of these other apps really celebrate perfection and over-editing and flawlessness. I think with TikTok specifically, people love the rawness. They love people just talking to the camera. I try to approach every video like a FaceTime with a friend.” (Wikipedia)
The following video (“Dylan Mulvaney’s Rise To WOKE Hero EXPOSED”) seems to be a good understanding of how this man rose up into his current position, and gives insights/connections to theatre history and acting styles. I find the term Hero of interest in the context of my expression here, since I am intertwining folklore with Anti-Heros.
The tall tale of Dylan Mulvaney’s “Girlhood” (enactment of his fetishes–for profit) would make for great folklore for readers hundreds of years from now. That is, if him and the likes of him do not succeed in so fundamentally dismantling things that this dark history can never be reckoned with/reflected upon. If I had some spare time, I might tackle turning Dylan (of course the character would have some other name…he is just a conceptual springboard) into some sort of anti-hero in a creatively-told narrative. My interest in archetypal narratives can be traced to one (quite unusual) college class I took called “Family Life” at the UofD.
I could see adapting the character Dylan is currently performing into concepts/plots/structures of existing, historic folklore-fable literature and especially, making a moral to the tale. I’m thinking that changing up the details a bit of Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks, Hansel and Gretel, The Pied Piper…maybe snagging some images from Beauty and the Beast or…um…The Wizard of Oz, The Emperor’s New Clothes…and merging bits and pieces into some new tale might be interesting. Yeah, that might make for some good use of my creative writing imagination!
But for the next moment, I want to focus on Mulvaney’s statement, “I downloaded TikTok, assuming it was a kids’ app.“
“TikTok” may rhyme with
“Hickory Dickory Dock”
and sound quite cute,
but it is the antithesis of
an app for children.
Between minutes :35-1:23 in this video commentary, we witness a bizarre (but captivating) performance by a man dressed as a woman who makes a strange statement that he won’t “steal your husband.” The man, Dylan Mulvaney, announces this with a poker-faced “look me in the eyes all you WOMEN“ toward the end of his fetish-driven TikTok. I found this part especially jarring for a number of reasons.
In this unusual TikTok video (just one of many), he tells women and the world that he is a “girl’s girl” and then laughs with a facial expression rivaling the Joker in Batman and remarks to himself several times, concerning his performance, “this is good…this is good.”
But, it is not good. It is the antithesis of good.
“Woe to him that calls evil good and good evil.”

Mulvaney, (the actor/former Broadway star) has been intentionally doing a caricaturized progression not to “Bruce-Caitlin-Jenner” but to “Audrey Hepburn” during the past 365 days in his TikTok series where he attempts to portray himself “becoming a girl.” It is very important to note, as many commentators already have, that he is labeling his “transition” not to womanhood but to girlhood.
The pedophiliac/predatory part of this is huge, rivaling only the misogyny of it all.

I recently heard Matt Walsh call Mulvaney’s farcically-failed attempt at becoming an adolescent girl a “woman-faced minstrel show” in one of his commentaries. Those who feel compelled to unconditionally support politically-driven agendas that seemingly rid the world of wrongs and oppression should be taking close notes on this one, because it is huge. Both Candace Owens and Laura Ingraham have taken this on in a most admirable and rational way, and then, we have the irrational propaganda against women (doesn’t a woman have a right to choose whom she wants to be and her own life goals?) in such ridiculous TikTok videos about “Trad Wives” as this one, again, taken on by Matt Walsh.
(It should be noted–and watched for–that many who are both victims and activists for trending propaganda and thought control exhibit a number of similar speech patterns including but not limited to uptalk, word-crafting/virtue signaling and vocal fry. This video–yet another involving the TikTok trope of the “Trad Wife”–with Michael Knowles features a prime example of one such young person. I find this linguistic feature in-and-of-itself quite fascinating, and if you don’t know what these things are, enjoy this humorous video on the degradation of the English language! While this is funny, the dark and misguided virtue signaling employed by such linguistic inflections/machinations is not funny when there are negative consequences of thought control acquired through linguistical-sonic means. In the story of The Pied Piper, which I will be getting to, there was a “magical flute” whose sound hypnotized children. )

Speaking of TikTok, many may not know that the platform is owned by the Chinese Government. However, in China, the types of morally bankrupt videos that are the diet of tasty sweets in the United States (think Edmund in Narnia) that are poisoning our youth and legal system are actually banned. Yes, banned. (I heard of this banning in another commentary and presume it to be true; the linked article provides some similar facts.) Instead, the Chinese use the same social media TikTok platform for their youth to learn math, science and other educational purposes.
That is is lot to contemplate, in-and-of-itself.
But, I’m getting a bit lost in the weeds (oh there are so many!) and want to get back to Mulvaney’s swearing allegiance to some “girl code” that he will not steal (or otherwise abduct/hold hostage) our men from us.
I’m not so sure about this, nor his intentions. There are so many ways to steal men.
First, and in fact, there are a number of pornographically-addicted men who would be titillated by this man’s performance on a number of levels. Any woman who has had the misfortune of seriously-deep pornography marring their relationship with their husband knows that there are indeed men who are stimulated by young girls, lesbian sex, multiple partner/group sex and even gay sex.
To understand the demonic appeal of transgenderism, autogynephilia and gender-queer ideology, one must understand the level and nature of the revolting, repugnant and destructively deep, immoral nature of the realm of pornography. Part-and-parcel to this realm are fetishes, and Dylan Mulvaney is (literally) capitalizing on some of the most dark fetishes known to man, including the grooming of young children for sexual exploitation.
I will return to the subject of pornography/porneia later in this piece. But first, here is one video depicting this man’s “face reveal” which included a bizarre ballerina costume for his “coming out” after his recent face-disfiguring surgery, dancing to “Morning Mood” from Peer Gynt. There is additional footage/commentary in this video.
Since Dylan Mulvaney is first-and-foremost an actor, I am going to assume at this point that every aspect of his staging details is intentional.
My two big questions are the following, and I’m not sure I yet have a clear answer. I would be interested in any insights from readers. I am certain there are others who might better hone in on the why, and more importantly, to what purpose/end. I have some thoughts/speculations about this.
- WHY Audrey Hepburn?
- WHY Peer Gynt?
Given all things, it would not be beyond the realm of reasonable speculation that this man Dylan Mulvaney might continue his demonically fast-tracked pursuit of “becoming a girl” through his terrible Audrey Hepburn impersonation-fetish-foray into the realm of her later years of actual humanitarian caring for children. Dylan Mulvaney would not be the first Pied Piper-like online groomer enticing our children into forms of death and destruction (more on this later).
It was said of Audrey Hepburn that in her care for children was like the Pied Piper–and unlike the comparison to the actual roots of the original tale, I take the following comment as innocuous, and simply a description of her charisma:
In October 1989, Hepburn and Wolders went to Bangladesh. John Isaac, a UN photographer, said, "Often the kids would have flies all over them, but she would just go hug them. I had never seen that. Other people had a certain amount of hesitation, but she would just grab them. Children would just come up to hold her hand, touch her – she was like the Pied Piper." (Wikipedia)
Below are some screen images extracted from this bizarre, grotesque impersonation and assault upon the culturally-sacred and pure image we have come to know being associated with the name of Audrey Hepburn.
I asked on social media for one-word comments of the first thing that came to mind when one things of Audrey Hepburn, and the results were the following:
- ballerina
- Charade (movie title)
- class (2)
- classic
- classy
- elegant
- glamorous
- grace (2)
- humanitarian
- intrigue
- My Fair Lady (movie title)
- mystery
- pearls
- Sabrina (movie title)
- talented
- timeless
- timeless elegance
I tend to anthropomorphize fairly regularly.
If I were a female duck swimming in a marsh and came upon a female duck decoy, I imagine that my morbid fascination with Dylan Mulvaney could be likened to the imagined response of the true female duck.
It might be hard for that duck to not stare at the fake duck and sense some weird danger. “Something just ain’t right here,” the duckie might quack to herself and though she tries to swim away she finds herself rubbernecking, unable to look away.
In the age of Photoshop, artificial intelligence, robotic animation and so much more to navigate…just because it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, doesn’t mean that it is a duck.
The idea of the wolf in sheep’s clothing is quite old; and the way bank tellers (so I’ve heard) learn to recognize counterfeit bills is to be very familiar with handling authentic currency.
As a woman (and I hope I’m not alone and yet in good company!) I can sniff this dude out a mile away.
That doesn’t mean I won’t admit I find the impersonation fascinating on a number of levels including the Saturday Night Live comedy effect.
For real? You’ve got to be kidding me!
No. No, we’re not.
The very first encounter I had with the image of Dylan Mulvaney was months ago when I saw him running from bugs in high heels. As a woman, I found the farce mesmerizing, and proceeded to watch other videos after doing some searches.

(describes crying and writing scathing emails he does not send)

(describes Mulvaney’s alleged encounter in the “ladies room” of being asked for a tampon which I doubt most grown women would find themselves asking of some stranger)

(this finds Dylan mansplaining tampons, and more, and he mentions his “Barbie pouch” — you just can’t make this stuff up!)

(Mulvaney is shown wearing child-like braids and a red/white/blue tee logo containing the shaped of Texas and calling for not “messing with trans kids.”
Mulvaney did in fact meet with the President of the United States in a farce-of-a-forum, and we get a glimpse into the all-in (albeit mindlessly garbled) position of Joe Biden and his co-horts on these matters of political currency, fueled by who knows whom, and, to what endgame.

and Day 120 of “Girlhood” (“Boob” updates…yes it’s a bizarre as it sounds and not how I recall this happening; trust me, I would know.)

Day 66 of “Girlhood” (hiking/running in a field with high heels and is afraid of bugs–and like the bizarre ballet dance, this TikTok video is also accompanied by “Morning Mood” from Peer Gynt)
True confessions here, if I were a sixteen-year-old girl again staying up watching the comic charade of Dylan Mulvaney rather than Roseanne Rosannadanna on a show like Saturday Night Live I’m certain I would be literally paralyzed on the floor with laughter (ROFL) or…paralyzed with embarrassment, since often times, I remember watching that show with my father, months before his death in May 1979.
Dylan Mulvaney is actually a good actor, and is milking this lucrative baby for all it’s worth, which apparently (like gender-affirming “healthcare”) is worth quite a lot.
Wait. Where was I?
Oh. Yes. Images of a man frolicking in black under garb and high heels squeeling over bugs in a field, and then wearing a bizarre ballet costume impersonating Audrey Hepburn.
While I’m at it with the cultural tales and literature, should I take yet another jaunt into The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka?
No. Just no.
Don’t go there, too!
I think we already get the picture of the absurdity ad nauseum here.

As I see it, Mulvaney, if he wanted to keep pretending he was following in the footsteps of the timelessly and truly graceful woman Audrey Hepburn (who was also a Broadway dancer/performer in such productions as Gigi, just like Mulvaney when he started his career and in this) and to depict himself as a ballet dancer (thus connecting more with Audrey), I would think he could have chosen an actual ballet performance traced to her.
(edit on 3/26/23) The video which has the soundtrack of Mulvaney dancing to Peer Gynt is this one beginning around minute 1:35. There are so many links here I had overlooked that my earlier edit with the “face reveal” and ballerina images did not also contain the original dance soundtrack selection. This is for those who are more closely following the archetypal messaging layer here…
My research has not unearthed any connection between Peer Gynt and Audrey Hepburn (that doesn’t mean I’m not missing something) other than the fairy tale originated from her (somewhat) general region of birth. I would be inclined at this point, if forced to make some connection, to chalk it up to more along the lines of “the joke is on y’all” in that the story of Peer Gynt seems to be one of a variety of moral selfishness and irresponsibility and somewhat along the lines of Peter Pan. After, all we have at least one full generation of men who are essentially Lost Boys.
A number of sociological/cultural thinkers have taken note of what seems to be delayed adolescence of these generations.
No longer is it somewhat of a norm to attend college (or go to work full-time after high school), complete college or stay with a first full-time job, and then commit to marriage at around 22 to 24 years old, and give birth to your first child within 2 to 3 years of being married.
Now, age 30 can seem like the new 16:
it is now the elusive quest is to find one’s true identity and self with pursuits of exploration,
without significant responsibilities nor the accompanying consequences.
This lost generation(s) are not limited to males of course, but in my view the accompanying domino effect on women is a result of the immaturity/emasculation/indoctrination of men who think it is somehow wrong or oppressive to step up to the traditional metaphorical plate.
The cause of this phenomenon is debatable–to the chagrin of many moms in my generation who find themselves carrying the heavy loads for their sons/daughters, who are fast approaching middle age, during a time in life when those sons, especially, should be honoring and ramping up an even deeper, adult commitment and responsibility to the needs of their own aging mothers.
I can recall shortly after my 1985 marriage seeing a book in the Surf City (New Jersey) 5 and 10 Store I worked at during that extended honeymoon summer called The Peter Pan Syndrome (and its counterpart The Wendy Dilemma). I did purchase both books and in my somewhat limited spare time of that summer, living in my mother-in-law’s beach house and us both working full-time, read both books on the beach, with curiosity.
One reason I focus here on cultural trends, folklore/literature/movies, and sociological phenomenon/contagions, is that my own generation surely fell prey to departures from healthy, traditional values (and of course each generation also makes its healthy advances).
I recently learned yet another new TikTok lingo–“The Trad Wife.”

I consider this a somewhat iconic photo of myself as a proud, concerned, protective and pinkly-attired “Trad Wife,” though I now wonder at such seeming depths of my own “FAIL-FACTOR.”

Three cows gaze upon the failure of the fourth family member to attempt a jump over the moon, only to find herself stranded far above planet earth in no man’s land.
While I realize there may be a handful or more naysayers, I still think I could make a pretty good case for my overarching life’s goal to be some version of a “TRAD wife” in each of my marriages.
Yet, the fact that I’ve had two marriages and two divorces brings a number of difficult thoughts.
Like many women in my generation who seemingly failed in this endeavor, we are now in some form of purgatorial torment with endless mea culpa and head-scratching, alternating with anger and deep wounds/disappointments, collectively, at the hands of the children (and especially sons) that we nursed at our breasts. As I joked with one woman friend awhile back, I suppose I didn’t have the magic nipple.
But alas, I wander into the weeds yet once again.

I want to get back to Dylan Mulvaney’s poker-faced, honest injun, allegiance to being a loyal “girl’s girl” (whatever that means) and his assertion that he is not out to (collectively, conceptually, or actually) “steal our husbands.“
As they say, I’m not even sure what that means.
At this point, I have another question:
When Dylan Mulvaney walks into a restaurant or hotel lobby, who holds the door for him?
I’m serious about this. Who holds a door for Dylan Mulvaney?
Because if the answer is that if Dylan Mulvaney was dressed and made up as he is and in a crowd of strangers, and for some reason someone’s heterosexual, typically faithful husband glanced upon him, not knowing he was a man and not a true woman, and had some flashing sense of visual/sexual attraction (hey, it happens…married men and women are challenged at times and as I understand things, men are more subject to visual stimulation) to Dylan Mulvaney, or some compunction to be the first man in the crowd to open and door for this man-imposterwoman, glancing downward at his exposed thigh or whatever…then…Dylan Mulvaney has already doubly (triply, quadruply) lied that he is “not out to steal husbands.”
For argument’s sake here, if Dylan Mulvaney simply wanted to be a woman and thought that possible, why on earth would he choose to be that kind of woman? Let’s imagine for a moment Dylan Mulvaney wearing modest women’s attire, no makeup, or whatever. Sure, that’s bizarre too, but, I’m trying to make a point.
All of this is ultimately about one thing: sexual impurity.
My second thought about the falsehood that he is “not trying to steal our husbands” is more abstract, perhaps.
If Dylan Mulvaney uses his demonic influence to persuade one young male to become “a woman” or even medically mutilate/sterilize himself, he has in fact stolen someone’s potential future husband. And if he persuades 10,000 young boys/men to follow this course, he has in fact stolen 10,000 potential future husbands and fathers.
He has abducted them from the future.
Yes, like Peer Gynt’s bridal abduction, this bizarre man is stealing bridegrooms.
In the scriptures, the Greek word porneia gets translated a number of ways but generally means/covers a broad spectrum of sexual immorality/deviancy. The English word pornography is from the word porneia.
As if readers here aren’t already saturated with words, links and YouTube interviews, I will take this opportunity to share a quite disturbing and true account of a “trans widow.” Just when you think there can’t be more to consider in all of this, there is. I listened to this one about a month ago and like most every Benjamin Boyce interview, it is quite engaging and informative.

There’s already a lot here, but, why be conservative with the thought-inducing information– just keep with the liberal modus operandi and add yet more!
When I think about the idea of a Pied Piper leading children astray, I think of Glitter Moms and online, despicable groomers such as Jeffrey Marsh, and, this TikTok preschool teacher that should be no where near children. Oh, and then there is this commentary by Candace Owens which features a mother who angry at their pediatrician’s response to her wanting to transition a young child, in which Candace rightly says, “We should be saying, where are child protective services?–there is a child that needs to be removed from this mother.” (paraphrase; this part of the segment begins at minute 1:55)
Oh, but why stop here?
How about this insightful interview with a pediatrician who gives an insider view of the current medical community and what would lead physicians of children to break the Hippocratic Oath in a most shocking manner, or these captured talks by associates of Vanderbilt Hospital in Tennessee regarding the immense profits they might come into if they, too, get on board with so-called Gender Affirming Care.
Oh, but why stop here?
Are you overwhelmed yet, Oh reader? If so, good. You should be. Because one can wade-and-muck through this writing and follow every single link (or search out your own information in this realm) and still not know but the tip of the iceberg. If I raise awareness and pique interest in even one reader to take in, retain and then use something contained herein for good and not for harm, then I consider my time spent in this endeavor worthwhile.
Oh, but why stop here?
How about the school teacher who thinks it is her job to protect students from their parents, or this first-hand account of a mom who was paid a visit by social services because her teenage daughter was “not being affirmed,“ or this interview with a California lawyer who is raising awareness/making it her mission, alongside others, to thwart the fast-track legislations of ill-will toward women and children after her own encounter (and success) in removing her teenage daughter from social contagions with the outcome of desistence from gender-queer indoctrination.
Now, let’s get a refresher on the trope of the Pied Piper, or, one who seduces the innocent for nefarious purposes. I learned from the “Messed Up Origins” series in the next video that the story of magic music that hypnotized the children may have been related to actual events such as over-population in Transylvania.
What happened to the children of Hamlin?

The romantic comedy 50 First Dates is high on my list of favorites. Drew Barrymore is perfect for the part of Forgetful Lucy.
I recently saw a bizarre act by this widely admired, successful Hollywood woman: she literally got down on her knees in front of Dylan Mulavaney–a man doing an impersonation of (this time) the famously poised, demure, model of 1960’s+ womanhood and style, Jackie O.

After being asked “Where do you find the strength to ‘keep being the joy?’“ by Drew Barrimore, Mulvaney then divulges his Peter Panian answer in some word-salad about his “chosen family” (code words for “Dylan has likely canceled/reviled his natural parents and family and replaced them with those who will better support his lie,” given that the Wikipedia narrative calls them “very conservative”) and “the people that (he loves) that ‘take care of him.'”
In Candace Owen’s Response to Dylan Mulvaney (around minute 1:45) she says, “he is not a man, he is not a girl, he is not a woman…he is a very lost male...” thereby imaging-in on yet another cultural trope…that of the Peter Pan, and giving even more backstory of the boy.
So, just what is “trans joy?” Is this different from “regular joy?“
I have a number of painful, personal thoughts regarding the “inconceivable“ nature of bearing witness to this (twisted references to chosen family, joy and gratitude) not only in my own life but in the lives of numerous families now harmed, but might best lighten these thoughts up by quoting from the famous scene in The Princess Bride: “You keep using THAT WORD (in this case, “JOY/GRATITUDE/FAMILY”) I do not think it means what you think it means.”
Let’s just chalk this all up to yet another form of brainwashed doctrines instilled in the quasi-religious movement that more aptly should be known as the Gender Ideology Cult.
All cults first break down one’s identity, then cause the inductee to re-write their personal history, and then tacitly coerce them to sever ties with anyone who might remind them who they really are. In fact, the current term for such a person is “unsafe.”
If someone doesn’t agree with harmful ideology and decisions, they are now “toxic” or “unsafe” people. The level and nature of thought-control involved in all of this is jaw-dropping.
How very sad and tragic for the parents of many such victims of this weaponized political movement which seems (literally) hell-bent, among other goals, at going full tilt on agendas of misogyny, capitalistic dependence on Big Pharma, and voluntary sterilization leading to de-population.
“I find all this of great significance as we witness various things unfolding before us.
The intersectional connection between Critical Race Theory and its movements (BLM, for example) and Gender Ideology is one that is only now coming into clearer focus in my mind.
Previously, I thought they were two separate movements,
but I do believe they are inter-related in a number of ways.“
It should be obvious that full tilt misogyny is now in vogue, but, it gets even worse.
We are most certainly in a spiritual (and human) war. And in war, there are casualties.

The Duchess Lois Of Alberta of course is not likely this man’s given name, but it is the name he goes by. I listened to his painful and shocking story in a Benjamin Boyce interview recently. After fourteen years of physical pain and suffering as a result of medicalized mutation and with no real attention/solutions to his various issues/conditions from the same medical community that butchered him, he has put himself on Canada’s MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying) program. This is legalized, assisted suicide for those who say their psychological pain is too great. He was scheduled to die on March 17, 2023, as I understood things, but do not know of the current situation’s update.
So, shall I suggest listening to yet another YouTube interview with this Canadian indiginous person, or rather, the one with another troubled and confused young Canadian girl who was rushed into full medical transition at warp speed? When she indicated she was having second thoughts about having a full mastectomy at age fifteen, she was told that she better decide quickly because there were others waiting for her spot. (listen to minutes 29:00 to 32:00 if nothing more)
You mean, there’s that high of a demand/waiting list for under-aged children in line for sexual mutilation, sterilization and life-long suffering?
That’s a horrific Sweet Sixteen misadventure for such a young girl with so much of life, love and true joy potentially ahead of her.

I’ve been pondering how to end this massacree-of-a-dissertation here (or whatever it is) and I think I shall borrow-and-tweak a few words and thoughts I heard from Matt Walsh. Sometimes I find him a bit harsh, but, he usually calls things for the lies they ultimately are.

1Audrey Hepburn, Wikipedia.
2The Abduction of the Sabine Women
3The Messed Up Origins of Beauty and the Beast | Disney Explained – Jon Solo
4Images and a Popular Emotionalism: Peer Gynt
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.
And God blessed them.
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