“The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein….” (Psalm 24:1)
GOD OWNS THE MOON! Not witches, not man…but our Creator owns all that He has created, to His purposes.
And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so. God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day.
~Genesis 1:14-19
Saturday night as I drove to a caricature gig–an adult Halloween party–I noticed the beautiful, huge full moon. And, since I seem to be more spiritually aware these days, as I drove, I dressed myself for this event. I prayed and put on the full amour of God; I suppose one might say that I showed up dressed as a Christian.
Had I not been hired to perform at such an event, I would not have accepted an invitation to this type of celebration. And I hope in this piece, to put forth why, as well as raise awareness about a realm and subject matter that I consider real but not well understood–with my understandings ranging from speculative thought that is reasonably grounded in what God has revealed to us in His Holy Word, to what can be known/revealed/inform us directly by those who practice various acts/hold beliefs that are somewhere in the realm of the occult.
One might ask, how did I “dress” as a “Christian” for this party?
Well, first, I considered my external attire. I always dress nicely for gigs, and I did select a fall rust/orange/brown patterned dress that I’ve owned for over twenty years. It is a modest, feminine dress that was appropriately polite to acknowledge/fit into a fall, Halloween event and seemed a nice choice. I had the sense from the time I showed up, I gave off (hopefully) a wholesome vibe. But, more importantly, as I drove, I did pray in the Holy Spirit in a variety of ways, with a variety of protective requests of Jesus and a variety of asking Him to somehow use me to reflect His light that evening.
I think that God answered those prayers: I drew well and had good conversations with those in attendance and seemed well-received, despite my inward observations of extensive homages being paid to what I consider demonic/pagan entities, and concepts that were manifest through the extensive indoor/outdoor decorations. I took note of all the images of death, blood, witchcraft and necromancy that were set before my eyes, and before the eyes of those guests.
Over the years since I became a Christian in 1981, I have heard and contemplated various viewpoints on the celebration of Halloween, as well as various beliefs about what is considered to be occultic or pagan in nature and how a believer should respond and think about such things.
When my children were young, our church had a “Harvest Party” that served as substitution for “Halloween” and the kids came in costumes, but nothing that would be considered scary or witchcraft-death-oriented. There were candy and games, and the yearly (prior) instruction from the pulpit regarding the biblical Feast of Booths that roughly corresponded with the fall Halloween (All Saints Day). Some parents still objected–just as they might object to celebrating Easter and Christmas in traditional ways due to its amalgamation of pagan elements with Christianity.
In another church we were part of when my sons were a bit older, there was a Harvest Party for the children, however the adults gathered in the sanctuary for strong, intercessory prayer and education concerning the origins of All Saints Day and the occult practices associated with Halloween. I recall thinking that it all made sense–biblically and otherwise–yet the concept of people actually practicing such things or these things having any literal effects still seemed foreign to my considerations in some ways.
The spiritual realities spoken of in the bible in these realms can seem at odds with what modern societies consider scientific, rational or anything other than superstitions of primitive cultures. There is a romanticism around the beauty, mystery and even effects of the full moon upon anything ranging from creativity…to tides…to increased chances of birth or those with mental illnesses becoming agitated.
There are wonderful songs like Shine On Harvest Moon, or iconic scenes in films like It’s a Wonderful Life where George Bailey “lassos” the moon for Mary. Movies, folklore and fairy tales are filled with references to witches and spells–from the Wizard of Oz to Sleeping Beauty to Harry Potter. Some seem more innocuous than others.
Admittedly, it can be hard to know and discern when a cultural story, classic novel or a contemporary movie that even remotely references the supernatural, crosses the line from being a thought-producing, engaging form of mystery, thriller or entertainment to actually being some portal or glorification of occult beliefs, thought and practices. I wish I knew for certain where to draw the line in what to appreciate on certain levels (in terms of cultural, art images, songs, poetry, characters, fantasy and such) while not opening myself to anything destructive to my thinking, imagination or soul.
Humans are created by (and for) God and as such, seek encounters with the One True God (as expressed through Jesus in Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the Judeo-Christian scriptures). Those who have not entered into personal relationship with Christ are subject to seeking spiritual fulfillment and power through natural/worldy means (wealth, status, etc), as well as knowingly or unknowingly seeking supernatural things that are in the realm of what we call the occult.
A couple years back, I had something dreadful happen that was precipitated by a seemingly prophetic dream of sorts the night before, involving specific imagery and a plot that was so uncanny that it was the springboard for my recognition that there are in fact, strange forms of evil and wickedness at work in our world. This event happened on a full moon during Passover/Easter Week of 2021. Whereas I previously dismissed some things involved in a particular situation, this literal event (my goats both died of accidentally eating clippings from my neighbor’s Yew tree (shrub) from through my fence, and the very unusual dream the night before contained several references to goats and other symbolic metaphor connected to actual situations). I may write more specifically of this thing at some point, but right now I don’t want to go in that direction here.
What I want to do is to put forth some matters I consider of interest that are in this topic realm, in various formats, below. There is certainly much on the topic and in part, I hesitate to put forth so much on this matter, for fear it would give (some) people ideas how to do harm. If someone has a spirit that wants to harm, however, they are already on that course. I think rather that most people are simply ignorant of a number of these things, therefore my goal is to raise awareness, for the good of others and for avoidance of these things.
I’m going to assume that many of my readers here have a commitment to Jesus, and I want to preface and encourage that as you listen to any of these interviews or read information that you will maintain a prayerful and discerning spirit–seeking the Holy Spirit to give whatever insights that Jesus would want us believers to know, for the purpose of exercising caution, understanding situations and Spirit-led, powerful prayer/deliverance/repentance when discerned there be need for.
I don’t know why the beautiful moon in its fullness or phases, or the stars or other nature that our Creator set in place for His own reasons and purposes has been hi-jacked or co-opted by those who practice darkness. I speculate (just my own personal thoughts based loosely on my understandings from scripture) that as in Genesis, the heavenly bodies were set in place and darkness was separated from light, that perhaps God Himself set in motion yearly/monthly lunar cycles that are for (His) spiritual reasons. Many of the Old Testament feasts and festivals (Passover, for example) were associated with a phase of the moon.
I have my own thoughts about some things, including what I have come to believe as more prime time for praying in the Holy Spirit as Jesus leads–for Him to set me and those I love and care about free from a variety of discerned, generational curses, and subjections to demonic bondages and strongholds. I don’t feel it is my place to elaborate my personal thoughts too deeply on the matter here, since it is in the realm of subjectivity and I wouldn’t want to either be misinterpreted or somehow lead someone astray. Seek the scriptures and Jesus for deeper understanding if that is your sensed need, or desired gifting.
“Brothers and sisters, I want you to know about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You know that at one time you were unbelievers. You were somehow drawn away to worship statues of gods that couldn’t even speak. So I want you to know that no one who is speaking with the help of God’s Spirit says, “May Jesus be cursed.” And without the help of the Holy Spirit no one can say, “Jesus is Lord.”
~I Corinthians 12:1-11
There are different kinds of gifts. But they are all given to believers by the same Spirit. There are different ways to serve. But they all come from the same Lord. There are different ways the Spirit works. But the same God is working in all these ways and in all people.
The Holy Spirit is given to each of us in a special way. That is for the good of all. To some people the Spirit gives a message of wisdom. To others the same Spirit gives a message of knowledge. To others the same Spirit gives faith. To others that one Spirit gives gifts of healing. To others he gives the power to do miracles. To others he gives the ability to prophesy. To others he gives the ability to tell the spirits apart. To others he gives the ability to speak in different kinds of languages they had not known before. And to still others he gives the ability to explain what was said in those languages. All the gifts are produced by one and the same Spirit. He gives gifts to each person, just as he decides.“
Once again, I encourage all readers to keep studying the scriptures for knowledge and discernment. I believe that God will give us that, for His glory and will to be manifested over the powers and principalities of darkness.
And now, a compilation of articles and talks I have collected over the past months, with some brief comments on each:
1. This article came up in my Google Newsfeed several weeks ago. I thought it was interesting that in PA there are laws against witchcraft still on the books. I read several articles about it, and somewhere I read of a case that I believe was in Philadelphia within the past ten years where someone was prosecuted for swindling a gullible client out of between $10-$15K using the PA law against witchcraft/sorcery. (I can’t seem to locate the article now). The following article involves a location that is fairly close to where I live. I just found it all interesting, and wonder how many other states (other than MA) still have laws against forms of occult practices (especially those that would take money from others).
Police warn witchcraft shop in rural Pa. that tarot is illegal
2. I learned about a month ago that President Zelensky has appointed a performance artist (Marina Abramovic) who is highly connected to occult and witchcraft expressions as Ambassador of Ukraine to rebuild educational institutes. There are a number of articles one can read and research into this person, and the following video is one I watched around that time to understand statements made about “spirit cooking” and a number of other horrific sounding occult connections. I warn viewers there is highly disturbing, graphic content in this YouTube, but if someone is wanting to better understand the nature of evil at work I consider this educational.
3. The following video talks I found of interest in helping define “what witchcraft is” and seemed generally to sound fairly grounded in both biblical references and reasonable conclusions. As in most video talks, I don’t have to agree with every single point being made (or imply that I am 100% on board with the presenter’s various theological positions) to consider it generally worth the listen. (Please note, this Pastor has some medical condition that affects one of his eyes).
4. I have watched half of this video (and will finish it later) and found it interesting. (I note that from about halfway on they begin discussing political and theological things–I am not sharing this video because I agree with every thing being discussed; but for the insights in the first half into the main topic). Michael Knowles is Catholic, and while I may not see some things as he does in terms of my Christian faith and practice, I have found that he generally has insight into addressing a variety of evils going on in our world. He has on a number of occasions pointed out connections to the occult and Satanism when it is expressed in current cultural events and such. He took on this interview. I find this woman’s elaboration/explanation on the connection of blood (covenants and other usages) within paganism and the occult to be insightful, as it might logically fit into the biblical understanding of the blood atonement by Christ Jesus on the cross to bring us into right relationship with God. There’s quite a lot for the discerning Christian to ponder (and consider scripturally) in all of these matters. The idea of the “white” witch or “good” witch (which is still a form of prohibited witchcraft) is touched upon in this interview.
5. The fastest growing religion in the United States is paganism/occultism.
Why paganism and witchcraft are making a comeback
Witchcraft in Africa and the world
Thank You For Reading
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