When All You Think About is Who Has Power: Deconstructionism and Intellectual Sleight-of-Hand

December 26, 2022

I am listening to a very good podcast and need to pass it along for those who share in the pursuit of truth, morality, faith, justice and a host of other things from a vantage point that embraces both the individual (in the best sense) and objective truth and is not grounded in destructive ideology that feigns moral and intellectual integrity.

I am beginning to lament various amounts of my gravitation toward some of the popular, influential deconstructionist voices that I am now needing to re-evaluate with different critique in terms of what they actually intend/desire to deconstruct and why.

A lot of this has gone way beyond what I initially understood it to mean and I now must name WOKE ideology for what it is: dangerous and dishonest.

How to keep learning and back-pedaling where it is called for requires us all to be open to recognizing when we were wrong. I imagine that many, like myself, have embraced ideology along the way with the best intentions. We are people who are empathetic, care about other people and loving our neighbor, want to show love and acceptance and hate injustices.

Nevertheless, we must be careful not to be that frog brought to a slow boil, finding ourselves unable to renounce insidious, dark things and see/name them for what they are. The traps and pitfalls of WOKE ideology/theology are many and because of the amounts of intellectual/linguistic/narcissistic sleight-of-hand, many like myself find themselves unable to speak in real-time interactions in any way that is not immediately shut down, circumvented or turned back on oneself by the other person, who asserts that it is you that are doing the things that they, in fact, seem to be doing.

It becomes an impossible dialogue, and one is left with the clear, visceral sense of how the dialectics of the interaction is askew but the imbedded power struggle that has been instilled in the WOKE (seeing the world, others and every potential thing/interaction) as one of oppressor/oppressed or power struggles prevents any meaningful ability to articulate one’s point and move toward meeting-of-the-minds and hearts.

It’s all quite a lot and quite heartbreaking. For me, I now see the interconnection between various movements/ideologies and the personal end result for me as being excommunication by one of my grown children. It is the terrible fruit of a terribly-seeded and inherently divisive/destruction false religion. It is hard to know how to find common ground when one realizes that all areas of thought has been swallowed up and gobbled up by a cult-like movement that crosses over religion/politics/ethics/economy and all human relationships, including those between mother and grown child.

These movements replace righteousness with rage, adopting language and instilling concepts where the convert begins to see the world and all things (including parents who assert their own views and will not allow themselves to be abjectly shut down but ask for adult equality and mutual respect/ability to hold differing views/assert needs and be heard with mutual respect) as somehow fitting into the model of oppressors vs. the oppressed.

It is my assertion–and this podcast touches midway on how this lens is capable of coloring every single thing in society–that WOKE ideology in many cases is the underlying, inherent basis for estrangement and relational discord.

I am also putting another talk below which addresses aspects of what I hold to be my own experience and witnessing of the gradual genesis of estrangement. I assert that we must wake up to the WOKE and educate ourselves about the forces at work in the deconstruction of the lives of individuals, families and society. And we must learn how to speak to the subject; language and speaking are part-and-parcel to this movement.

The slippery slope of deception comes through the shifts in language, and the call to censorship of one’s speech and that of others.

We must open our eyes to the role of censorship, and various power grabs, being fully aware of the dynamics of both dystopia and totalitarianism. It can be frightening to consider that when we’ve considered ourselves as fighting against totalitarianism and fascism only to learn we unknowingly were funneling power and allegiance to the totalitarians and fascists and becoming (potentially) that which we hate and believed we were standing against.

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